Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ethan's Cars Cake

Ethan turned five years old on Christmas.  The perfect cake for Ethan would only be a Cars cake.  My Aunt Laura found a cake pan that I could use to make the cars for the top of the cake.  I was thrilled to make his birthday cake and I think he was pretty excited about it!

Tiger Pride!

Mrs. Whitlock, a family friend has ordered a cake from me for one of her daughters and now it was time for the second daughters cake.  Samantha just finished her first semester at Georgetown College.  An appropriate cake for Samantha was to make her a Georgetown cake that expressed some experiences from her first semester.

Christmas Tree Cookie

My mom found some cute cookie cutters to make a Christmas Tree Cookie.  She was gracious to help me put it together to take to our couple Bible Study.  

Friday, November 25, 2011

Sugar Free Thanksgiving Cake

My grandma is a diabetic but loves desserts and other members of my family like to eat food that is good for them.  A sugar free is a good way to go in this case!

Family Rose Cake

Aunt Katie wanted to learn how to make a butter-cream rose and put it on a cake.  I made a cake prior to taking it to Thanksgiving get together so that we could just add the roses on.  On thanksgiving I brought everything I need to teach her how to create a rose.  It was a hit!  More of the family thought they would like to learn how to do it as well. Here is the final family cake product!

Amy's Engagement

My wonderful supervising teacher, Amy became an engaged woman during our fall break!  To celebrate her engagement and thank the fourth grade team for all of their help, I thought that cupcakes would be appropriate. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fall Festivities

I was excited to get a phone call from Debbie a couple of weeks ago to make a cake for her mothers birthday.  She asked for fall colors on a design that seems to be very popular.  Delivering this cake was really exciting because it gave my sister and I a chance to catch up with Dani and Mallory for a while.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Thanks for noticing me...

My supervising Kindergarten teacher during student teaching asked me to make a cake for her husband's birthday coming up.  They like to compare him to Eeyore sometimes, therefore she wanted an Eeyore cake for the family to enjoy.  I was excited about this one because I had never done something like this one before, more and more challenges keep arising! 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Mock Wedding Cake

One of my girlfriends from my education classes is getting married in June and asked about me making a wedding cake for her.  I jumped on the opportunity and was honored to be asked to do that!  Before I make a wedding cake for her next summer, she wanted me to make a small 'mock' wedding cake for her birthday this weekend to see what she thought.  She wants a very simple cake but it should look very elegant on that day!

Happy Birthday Grandad!

This cake was exciting to make because it was for Eric's Grandads birthday.  His grandmother emailed me last week and asked if I could put a cake together that included everything that grandad liked.  He was a pharmacist, a sigma chi in college, and loves UK so I thought that I would try and include all of those things on one cake for him to enjoy!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Southeast Side By Side

My parents have been in a Sunday school class for many years.  Recently the class has been bringing desserts for breakfast for everyone to enjoy.  My dad asked me if I would try and make a cake that was one of the main buildings of the church.  They said that all of the cake was gone and that it was a big talk among the class!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Mary Whitlock!

Mrs. Whitlock has been a wonderful family friend who is also a school counselor.  Mrs. Whitlock has been an amazing help to me in my education process.  She has encouraged, proofread, explained and many more things for me. This weekend is her oldest daughter's 21st birthday.  I was honored to make this cake for her and to give them something to enjoy!  She did give me an exciting challenge...a banana flavored cake!  Hopefully they enjoy it!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Kelli!

My sister in law Kelli celebrated her 20th birthday this week!  She drove in from WKU for the weekend and we were able to get together and have dinner, eat cake, open presents and watch the football game together!  Kelli is a Red Sox fan so Chris and Carol thought that she might enjoy a Red Sox cake for her birthday.  New challenges arise with every cake!!  I think that Kelli was pleased with this cake and I was happy with the way that it turned out!  Hope you enjoy it to!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Congratulations Kayla!

Kayla and I were in the sorority together at WKU and she is going to be getting married soon.  The sorority girls put on a shower for Kayla in Bowling Green and they asked me to make a cake for her shower! Kayla will be getting married in California on a vineyard so I thought a vineyard cake would be the perfect fit!

It's A Boy

A friend of mine from middle school sent me a facebook message and asked if I would make her a baby shower cake since she would be having a baby in a couple of months.  It was so nice to get caught up with each other when I took the cake to her.  It made me feel so grown up since so many friends are having babies! It is so exciting!

Bible Study Sweets

This year I have decided that I would lead a Bible study of 7th grade girls at church.  This has been a blast so far and we are having a great time together!  Today we had to come up with a group name and decorate a sign to tell what the group name was.  The girls decided that our group would be called Sweet as Sugar because we will be eating lots of sweets!  I make the girls cupcakes or cookies if I have left over icing from the cakes that I have done for the weekend so that they can enjoy a sweet treat!  This week sugar cookies from scratch was the challenge because I had never done it before.  The girls enjoyed them...There were none left!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Go Cards!

Amy Henson is a wonderful woman that made my wedding cake last year and she had someone call for a cake this weekend but she was unable to do it.  It was an honor for her to ask me to do that because she is so amazing at what she does!  The challenge for this week was that a boy wanted the cardinal stadium field for his 10th birthday.  What a challenge but a joy to have in my house with a husband who is a huge Kentucky fan.  Eric's words about the cake were, "I love it cause it looks awesome, but I hate it at the same time." 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Thank you Mrs. Brown

Mrs. Brown is a mother of one of my friends from church, Jill Brown.  Mrs. Brown has been wonderful advertisement for my cakes and an amazing encourager.  After my first cupcakes that I made for her, she left me the most encouraging voice mail about my decorating.  The message is saved on my voice mail for me to listen to whenever I would like.  This week Mrs. Brown called with a reference from another one of her friends for some cupcakes again.  These are what came from her request...